Made in Chelsea’s Ollie Locke unfiltered reality of life with twin babies: ‘I cry relentlessly – I’ve never loved anything and hated anything so much’

It’s been 12 years since Ollie Locke first burst onto our screens as a fresh-faced reality star on Made In Chelsea – and a lot has changed.

Ollie’s days of partying in SW3 are long gone after welcoming his adorable twins, son Apollo Magnus Obi and daughter Cosima Emily Bex, via surrogate with husband Gareth.

“We have grown up,” the 36-year-old tells us as we catch up at the Fuse press event. “We were out a lot and it was good fun, but it is a different fun now.”

Fatherhood has clearly changed Ollie’s life for the better, but it hasn’t been smooth sailing for him. He and Gareth, 34, spent three years trying for a family and there were many highs and lows along the way.

Their first surrogate heartbreakingly experienced two miscarriages after undergoing embryo transfers in Mexico and Cyprus. And after embarking on IVF with their second surrogate, she too sadly suffered a miscarriage.

But in July, the couple were delighted to announce the arrival of their little ones, with Ollie saying, “They are the best thing to ever happen to us.”

Here, Ollie opens up about sleepless nights, carving out quality time with Gareth and why they won’t have more children…

Hi, Ollie! How is fatherhood treating you?

We have got some help [with a nanny]. It has helped us an awful lot because it turns out having twins is a lot! There’s no maternity and paternity with work, so we’ve had to have a bit of help. We are exhausted, but it’s wonderful. We have both waited such a long time and we were lucky to get two.

How are you finding the sleepless nights?

The sleepless nights have been interesting! I will openly say about two weeks ago I was holding Cosima and I was crying relentlessly. I have never loved anything yet hated it so much – that is the reality of parenting. It is not easy, but it’s just heaven.

What has been a surprise to you?

Instagram is a wonderful place for people helping you out – always ask for help. You get wonderful messages from people which fill you with hope. And sharing experiences is important.

What has been your biggest challenge so far?

Snot suckers are pretty gross. We were having a Sunday roast and she [Cosima] got blocked up, we didn’t have the snot suckers. Gareth put his mouth over and sucked it out and instead of spitting it in a napkin, he swallowed it. It is just revolting. They have been snotty, but the snot suckers have been a dream.

Have they reached any milestones recently?

She smiled for the first time last week. He [Apollo] hasn’t smiled yet, but we are waiting for that.

How did you pick their names?

I have always loved the name Apollo. He has a strong name, Apollo Magnus Obi, which is completely ridiculous. She is Cosima Emily after our dear friend, and Bex is her middle name after our surrogate.

Can you remind us how you found your surrogate?

It’s illegal in Britain to solicit or advertise to be a surrogate and the laws are absurd, they haven’t been touched in 34 years. Luckily, we were in a position where we were being followed by cameras and MIC was covering all that stuff and she watched an episode. She DM’d us and that is where it started. We brought her down to London and we got along really well. We said, “If your womb is available we really would love it!”

The twins spent six weeks in intensive care after being born at 31 weeks. That must have been a difficult time…

It was scary. She was born at 2lb 11oz and he was 3lb 10oz, so they were tiny. Now they look like babies, but for the last 18 weeks they looked like mice. IVF and surrogacy is a difficult journey.

Do you have any advice for other parents?

Have a glass of wine every now and then and try to do date night every week because you need to spend time together. There have been arguments as there will be, but we’re trying to deal with that and look forward. For our three- year anniversary, we went to Scott’s restaurant and had a lovely time. I’d booked somewhere to stay, but we lasted an hour and missed the babies so had to go home.

Do you want any more children?

No, absolutely not. Three is a lot. My best friend Binky is thinking of going for her fourth. I said to her, “I don’t know how you are doing this!” She is a superwoman.

How has your life changed?

You are no longer the lead character in your own book. It is nice being a side character for the moment. I have grown a beard and I bought a cashmere jumper from M&S, so I’m really a dad now – and a children’s author.

Tell us about your book, The Faraway Adventures Of Henry Bogget

It’s the first of a whole series. I am hoping to bring out two a year from now on. Bedtime stories are underrated. The parent and child can go through this adventure together and learn as well.

Ollie was speaking at the Fuse Communications press day

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