Corrie spoiler video shows juicy moment Carla takes down shocked killer Stephen

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Carla Barlow (Alison King) is finally set to get to the bottom of Stephen Reid’s (Todd Boyce) dastardly actions, when she receives a letter from the clinic containing her test results in tonight’s (October 4) episode of Coronation Street.

Having grown suspicious that she may have been spiked with LSD earlier this year, Carla set about proving that she was right, with both Roy Cropper (David Neilson) and Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) fearing for her mental health.

They were under the belief that Carla had suffered another psychotic episode earlier in the year, and mistook Carla’s suspicions that her mental health had been fine the whole time for another episode.

Carla was determined to prove them wrong and assure them that she was of sound mind, and had soon found a test that would be able to use a strand of her hair to determine whether or not she had LSD in her system.

In upcoming scenes tonight, Carla will open the letter to find that the results are positive for LSD, meaning someone had definitely drugged her.

Detective Carla soon realises that it couldn’t have been notorious LSD taker Rufus, as the dates of her illness didn’t add up.

However, when she takes a sip of tea made by Michael Bailey (Ryan Russell), she is quick to complain about the bad taste, only to learn that it was Stephen who had been making her tea before.

It is then that the truth dawns on her, and she is quick to pull Stephen into her office and confront him, as a new spoiler video reveals.

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Stephen, of course, denies any wrongdoing, but Carla is adamant that she knows what he has done to her, and why he has done it.

‘The realisation that it was him, although it’s not shocking, is so damning, so hurtful and so premeditated by him,’ actress Alison King explained.

‘He’s got no excuses there. There’s no kind of “you made me do it” or “you did this” or “you did that to me first”. He wanted what was hers and there was one easy way of getting it, so he’s gone for the jugular there, hasn’t he?’

Viewers will know that she is spot on the mark with her theory, but will Stephen manage to convince her otherwise and talk his way out of this?

We already know that Stephen is capable of murder, having already taken three lives, so could Carla’s life be in jeopardy now that Stephen knows she is onto him?

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