Adele Yells At Security To Leave Fan Alone During Vegas Show


Adele continues to be the people’s champion … turning on her own security for bothering a fan of hers in the crowd, and stopping the whole show to do it.

The singer was performing Saturday at her Vegas residency — getting ready to belt out “Water Under The Bridge” — and right as she seemed ready to start crooning … she came to an abrupt halt, telling the band to stand down as she addressed something out in the audience.

Watch … Adele zeroes in on a man out in the seats that she can see is being hassled by security, and she wasn’t having it — demanding to know what was going on/what he’d done.

Adele says she noticed he’d been getting bothered by security almost the entire time she’d been on stage, and when she didn’t get an adequate response … she ordered the guards to leave the dude alone — noting he was just there to have fun, as was everyone else.

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There’s another angle that captures the action from a further vantage point, and you can actually see the security guard in question. He’s a bald guy, and he’s aggressively talking to this man before Adele calls him out. Sounds like it might’ve been over him standing up.

As you can tell, the rest of the concert-goers were thrilled that Adele was defending her own … and they cheered as she scolded the staff. Once again — Adele speaks to the people.


Considering how beloved she is — and how good she is at talking to audiences — something tells us there might be something else in her future. This woman knows how to connect!

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